This page provides an outline of the site section by section. The right hand column indicates the level of completeness of that section.
Initially this will be the status level in restoring pages from v2. It may also indicate intended future additions beyond v2.
At Dec 2020 about 30 items have been restored (some are new) from the existing v2 site [total 70-80 items]
This section provides an introduction to the site. Within it are pages, like this, outlining the map of the site , the About page, Contact, News Pages & Archive and the Copyright note
The geodata and geostrategy pages have been moved to separate and dedicated sections [see below]
The overview [this] page has been restored , as well as About, Contact, & Copyright [4]. The site News page & two articles have also been added. [3] [ ~7 pages/items]
7 of 7 pages: MIGRATED
A note on site versions.
The maps pages covers several aspects of maps including imagery. There are some examples of traditional paper maps, images as well as alternative forms of topographic records such as panoramas and sketches.
There is also a Miscellany page - maps get everywhere. There is also a short library section on related literature relevant to the site.
In the online maps section there is a section devoted to mapping around the world from established national mapping agencies to other public data (eg Statistics, Geology etc) to OpenStreetMap and historical maps.
The maps home page has been restored [1]. All other sections & pages have yet to be added. [~29 pages/items]
1 of 29 pages: IN PROGRESS
More example web sites.
This section describes feaures of the natural landscape, built environment, associated geographies and geonames.
Each of these sections includes examples of features including descriptions, photos and map examples.
The Features Introduction page has been restored [1]. All other feature sections & and examples have yet to be added. [~10 pages/items]
1 of 10 pages: IN PROGRESS
More examples of features from each group
The GeoScienes - EarthSciences section covers scientific aspects of the Earth such as geology, atmosphere & oceanography.
These aspects may also be applied to locations well beyond the Earth
The Geosciences Introduction page has been restored [1]. There were no sub-topic pages on v2 of the site [ 1 pages/items]
1 of 1 pages: MIGRATED
Pages covering the items outlined here will be added once the site is fully migrated to v3..
This sections remminds us that the Earth is just a tiny part of wider and massive collection of systems.
From our own solar system, to the Galaxies and their evolution within the Cosmos we can recognise common building blocks.
Within this is a seemingly infinite array of possibilities. Just a small set of finely tuned parameters have led to the evolution of life as we know it on Earth. Some of these are extremeley fragile - small changes could mean the end of us all.
The Cosmos Introduction page has been restored [1]. There were no sub-topic pages on v2 of the site [ 1 pages/items]
1 of 1 pages: MIGRATED
The items outlined on the Cosmos Introduction page will be added once the site is fully migrated to v3..
most of site is largely factual - this section provides an opportunity to offer observations on a range of related topics.
This might cover geoindustry observations - software tools - data aspects - developments.
Two items exist to date: an early article on the use of Drupal and another on OpenStreetMap.
The Blog Introduction page has been restored [1]. There were 2 articles which still have to be restored [ ~4 pages/items]
1 of 4 pages: IN PROGRESS
New items will be added once the site is fully migrated to v3..
This section describes the rapid evolution of the mapping industry in the late 20thC - it was a complete transformation in every respect.
It is taken from a personal perspective: based on a bio it is intended to reflect the transformation as well as record aspects of social history.
I joined the Ordnance Survey in 1969 as a trainee surveyor & left in 2011. I held a wide number roles during that time: from field survey to photogrammetry, research & development, systems development and finally geospatial programmes and data strategy.
The latter required wider industry engagement from the mid 1980s onwards which led to several UK collaborations such as the Digital National Framework [DNF] and European networks such as EuroSDR
From 2005 on I fortunate to be engaged in the EU INSPIRE Directive. In the UK INSPIRE was implemented via the UK Location Programme.
The Transformation Introduction page has been restored [1]. There a four decades with several pages per decide to restore as well as some taxonomy topics and support pages eg geopeople [ ~ 30 pages/items]
1 of 23 pages: IN PROGRESS
The Taxonomy on v2 requires restructring for v3.
The geodate topic was a single page on v2 & it has now been assigned as a separate section. The aim is provide some basic data references examples and issues.
The Geodata Introduction page has been restored [1]. There were no sub-topic pages on v2 of the site [ 1 pages/items]
1 of 1 pages: MIGRATED
Provide some base data references and examples. A sub section for the Digital National Framework.
Likewise the GeoStrategy topic was a single page on v2 & and it has now been assigned as a separate section. The aim is raise some issues around geodata and opointers towards what we should be aiming for..
The Geostrategy Introduction page has been restored [1]. There were no sub-topic pages on v2 of the site [ 1 pages/items]
1 of 1 pages: MIGRATED
Outline a future geodata specification.
Version: 3.0.0 [alpha]
Status: under re-construction
Complete: 30% [c/w v2]
Platform: KRYSTAL
Date: 30 December 2020
Version Last Updated: v1.00 | 30 Dec 2020
Status: NEW - Up to Date
Topics Vsn- Last Updated: 27 December 2020
Footer Links Last Updated 29 Dec 2020