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Llyn Gwynant to Porthmadog, Snowdonia: 16 Jan 1975 - working for Ordnance Survey

Transformation | Introduction

The Aim and Section Outline:

Section Aim

This section is a more reflective set of pages. They cover map making and many of the assiciated activities that go with it. It is inevitably taken from a personal perspective but the primary aim is to illustrate the transformation to web mapping in 4-5 decades.

Wider aims are to include elements of social history, technical processes and some wider background to the evolution of how things were done. The last 50 years has seen incredible progress and the pace of change is reflected in the Ordnance Survey, Collaborations and related pages.

Colleagues & Friends

Whatever project one works on - it is always involves other people. Conversely if you take other people out of the equation there is little fun left in doing anything. So I will use these pages to say thanks to groups of people and individuals who have helped me along the road and made the tough times bearable and the fun times outstanding.

There will inevitably be some errors and mistakes in these pages - I apologise in advance and will try and resolve the most obvious in later updates.

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Ordnance Survey of Gt Britain

The OSGB section covers the period 1969-2011 and is intended as a narrative around how the world of mapping changed completely over that period. A real transformation. It is written from a personal perspective based on different posts/jobs that held over that period. These included surveying, photogrammetry, software development, research, management and geoinformation strategy. The aim is to document the period from a social history perspective as well.

Explore Ordnance Survey here....

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There are many forms of collaboration from working with suppliers to attain an optimal solution to research projects and working with other organisations. I encountered all of these and the period 1998 to 2011 was largely devoted to working with external organisations in the UK and Europe. While an OS employee it was often a delicate balance in maintaining the interest of OS vs the overall goal. There was another benefit for those involved: one always learned something new from each project.

Explore Collaborations here...[limited content currently].

Related Topics:

Additional future sub topics include a collection of training/education events and a summary of few other tasks.


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  2. Title | Last Accessed: date

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Transformation - Select here:


Please note that most, if not all, sub-pages via links from the "Topic Selection" menu or other locations on this page are not yet available.

The missinbg page will be restored in 2021 as site migration continues.

For the latest progress please refer to the OVERVIEW PAGE .

Site Status

Version: 3.0.0 [alpha]
Status: under re-construction
Complete: 30% [c/w v2]
Platform: KRYSTAL
Date: 30 December 2020

Last Updated: v1.00 | 29 Dec 2020

Status: Migrated & Updated

Related Features:

Feature | Mountain

mountain missing

Feature | Lido


Feature | Pub

pub missing

Feature | Confluence

confluence missing

Topics Vsn- Last Updated: 27 December 2020



Footer Links Last Updated 29 Dec 2020